Season 21

Win/Loss Record: 65-34
Divisional Position: 1st
League Position: 4th
Postseason Progress: Lost to the Hawai'i Fridays in the Overbracket Division Series

Kelvin Un-shelled

After being stuck in a giant peanut shell for most of Season 20, Kelvin Drumsolo was pecked free by birds on Season 21 Day 2, in a game against the Kansas City Breath Mints. This event unfortunately zir to be afflicted with a peanut Superallergy, which luckily got downgraded to a regular allergy and subsequently fully cured again during the season without causing any damage.

Alto’s One-Game Debut

After their introduction to the team’s shadows Polkadot Patterson, now optimized with a decent star-count for batting was brought into the League through Voicemail on Season 21, Day 104. However in their first game, they didn’t get to make any major moves. As a combination of the Mechs already lethally consistent batting, Sun(Sun)’s positive numerical changes and Black Hole granting the opposing team a Win instead of a loss due to Sun(Sun), the Mechanics won themselves out of the playoffs and ended their playoff run there with Polkadot Patterson’s debut not allowing a single hit earned.

Mass Alternation

Due to a very hostile set of Blessings, the active roster of the mechanics, minimized to Six batters and four pitchers, came into contact with a blessing that alternated half the active players in the lineup. Gia Holbrook, Cannonball Sports, Christian Combs, Mindy Kugel and Mira Lemma were caught and stat-shifted by the alternation, making them Negative in the process, and shifting a majority of stats away from batting to Pitching.

Alto’s Return to the Talkers

The Moist Talkers once again reunited with the now alternated squiddish player in a surprise exchange for Augusto Reddick, with Polkadot being featured on the Moist Talkers batting lineup and Augusto Reddick taking a spot on the Mechs batting lineup. They were voicemailed out for Shirai McElroy, the current best shadows pitcher on the Mechs, because of the latter's overall batting stars.